February 12, 2009

The Rules Of Today

During the industrial age, the rules were:
You Go To School, Get A Job, Work Really Hard, Stay With A Company For All Your Life, then When You're Retired the Company Takes Care of You For as Long as You Lived.

The rules have changed!
In the information age, you go to school, you get a job, you may work there for the rest of your life, you may get downsized, and all this.

But the big change is now your retirement is up to you. So if you retire at age 65, and You Have No Money, it's not the company's responsibility any more.

The issue now is not "Job Security" but the real issue is long-term financial security.

If you retire at 65, the good news is: you might live to 100. The bad news is: you might not have enough money.

What's the solution?

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